Fall Foliage and Front Doors

I know I'm really having fun with this fall pumpkin decor stuff!

I also love how mature flowers bloom come fall.  Here are some fun before and after pictures :-)
Unfortunately, where I live, in another month or two the ground will be covered in SNOW!
My very first window box in JUNE:

and then September!

Love that (although you can't see the pretty box anymore!)
And the front door plants really took off!
I picked up that Fall Wreath last year at Hancock Fabrics for FOUR dollars!!!!  It was end of the season and 90% off.  Isn't it the best, end of the year clearances :-)


And here is some fun photos of the iron bowl filled with pumpkins and pinecones!  (I need two of those bowls so I can keep one on the table and one outside!!)

Oh the sad puppy, anytime I leave the front door he gives me this look.....even though I was coming right back in!

How did your garden grow?? (is that a nursery rhyme?)
 Was it a good year for your plants? 
I don't really have a green thumb so when I see RESULTS, I get excited :-)
My neighbor has a REALLY good green thumb.....you have to remember my Mother in Law is my neighbor :-) 
My Mother in Laws fountain and hanging flower basket.

Thanks to her, I had a good bloom furtilizer.  Tricks of the trades my friends, tricks of the trade.
Linking up to Rhoda's It's Fall Party!



  1. Beautiful flowers! Aren't you happy that your window boxes get the sun they need for such beautiful blooms?!

  2. Oh this is fall perfection at its finest! A truly cozy vignette.

    While we don't have much fall here in Phoenix I would love for you to stop by to see where I did find a bit of fall.

    Have a blessed day!

  3. Your flowers really did well this year. Congrats on that....Here in Oklahoma, where the winds come sweeping down the plains....LOL...I think that is a song too!!! It was HOT.....had a beautiful wet Spring, and then the heat set in...so I don't have any pretty flowers to show, cause they all burned up. There is just not way to keep anything living when it get to 115 degrees. Yes, it got that hot here. What is going on!!!!
    Appreciate you sharing your pics, so at least I can see some great looking plants. Keep up the good work. :)

  4. Oh my gosh your door is amazing - and the kid is pretty cute too! And the fact you have kept flower boxes alive and thriving is a huge feat in my book! Take care, Laura

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