Trouble Decorating your Basement? How to spice it up.

When it comes to decorating the basement, we seem to put all our leftovers there and it's hard to get excited about it.  I wanted to write a post that had some fun ideas on how to spice up your basement for not a lot of money, or even using those "old" leftovers!   Here is my basement and what I did with it.

I found these umbrellas in New Mexico for 13.00 a piece - I just loved them but never knew where to put them in my old house.  Now I have them tied up with fishing line as a focal point in my  basement!









A few ideas on how to SPICE up your downstairs:

1. Use that large empty wall space to do a fun photo gallery with all your family photos. I have the easiest tutorial on how to hang a photo gallery, be sure and check it out, it has saved me so much time and energy!

2. Paint ONE wall an accent color completely different from the rest, or do a fun stencil print like Rhoda's from  Southern Hospitality.  

The carved "Yankee Doodle" art piece was my husband's grandpas. He bought it in the 70's in San Francisco - it's quite a conversation starter!

Southern Hospitality's Stencil Accent Wall

stencil wall

3. I recommend buying at least one new accessory to bring "joy" into decorating your space filled with all your old stuff.

4. Use your new accessory or art piece as inspiration for your color scheme. Sew some simple pillows or grab a throw blanket that also accents that theme.  My entire red American Clay wall came from inspiration from the poppy art I bought on clearance from Bed Bath and Beyond.  I did a similar earthy red clay wall in a step by step tutorial if you are curious how to do your own.

5. Lastly, don't forget to add GREENERY!  It can turn any place into a homey living area.  You can also check out my top 10 design tips for home decor for more inspiration.

Need a really fun LARGE art piece for not a lot of money?  

See my DIY canvas map post 

Have fun with that room, experiment!  What's the worst that can happen, it's just your basement!  ha!

Linking up to YHL - using their tip #31, use something unexpected as your decor theme.

Also, linking up to Thrifty Decor Chicks BASEMENT PARTY!  You will get even more ideas for your basement by gleaming from the WEALTH of information the WWW has for you.  Have fun and don't forget to make your family dinner.  ;-)



  1. Looks like a cozy basement! I love your tip on buying something new to enjoy decorating a room when you're also reusing your old stuff!

  2. You really warmed up that space -which is what every basement needs!

  3. I love your accent wall! So pretty! You did a fantastic job!


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