My Favorite Tried and True Pinterest Recipes Off Pinterest

Hey Friends!

Pinterest is awesome but it cracks me up!  I'll see recipe boards with THOUSANDS of "delicious" recipes pinned and you just know those people (including me) after an hour of pinning,  pull out the Mac and Cheese because all the time spend that they were supposed to cook just went to pinning the amazing recipes.  ;-)

So, with this post I just wanted to write MY favorite Pinterest Recipes that I have actually tried and agree with the little sayings beneath it when people write "this was the absolute best, nothing beats this recipe!"  (please tell me you have tried some of those "best" recipes and it tasted nasty, you know they just WROTE that, and it never was the best - hee,hee)

Here are my favorite's that I have tried and either put on my blog or just pinned them to my Recipe Pinterest board.

Blueberry Banana Oatmeal Muffins

I make these ALL the time!  They are so stinkin easy and healthy.  The perfect snack or breakfast and they taste GREAT.

Coconut Sticky Chicken

Please just tell me you will try this :-)  It's SOOOOO yummy!!!!

Cheesy Spaghetti Squash Casserole 

I LOVE this recipe - and it's a vegetable and REALLY healthy!  I shouldn't love it as much as I do.   (And just so you know, it's not just me that loves it - hahaha, my PICKY husband thinks it should be a holiday staple!)  

Let's just say......the texture in this bread is to DIE FOR!  You will not be able to stop at one piece - guaranteed :-)

Alright - this one is AMAZING as the recipe does something no other recipe does.  It uses BROWNED butter....yes, you actually cook your butter a little bit and it gets all carmelly.  Honestly, you will NOT be disappointed in these.

I also did a post on my favorite tried and true beauty products that might just become your newest favorite products too.  (some have changed my life - hee,hee)

Now go on and PIN this post for later when you actually have TIME to make one of these delicious recipes! hee,hee! No, all of these recipes are very easy and not very time consuming. (You're Welcome!)

OH, and tell me if you try any of these and what you think!!!  I'd love to hear if you agree with me :-)


Feel free to follow my Pinterest Boards. :-)


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