Is Blogging Ruining Your Life? How to Find Balance in Blogging eBook

Hello friends! 

Well I did it, I wrote my first eBook
(A 39 page post probably isn't the best thing!)

I am very excited about it because it covers a topic that a lot of us bloggers have difficulty with:  How to find balance in blogging.

The whole idea came to me when I was blog surfing and a post caught my eye.

I was intrigued and clicked to read it.  She wasn't kidding with her title.  After she listed all the reasons why blogging had completely taken over her life she also wrote that she would like to find a solution to her problem. She knew she didn't want to quit her blog.

 I could totally relate!

Have you also had these thoughts?  “My house has never looked so disorganized! I have half finished rooms, projects started but not finished, supplies scattered everywhere and overflowing thrift store finds”. You feel you have become a half crazed mommy blogger and wonder if you are the only one. (You’re not!)

For the first year of my blog, I had experienced those same thoughts and felt the same concerns.  I knew I had to discover balance in my own life.  Over time with some deliberate plans of action, I figured out solutions that worked.  After reading her blog post, I had so many tips and ideas in my head on examples, practical solutions and real life experiences on how to NOT let that happen that I literally went straight to my computer and started typing this ebook.

My goal by writing this eBook is to give each desperate blogger a breather. 

A way to not feel overwhelmed.

A way to enjoy blogging again.

So, If you are always thinking about blogging to the point where you feel obsessive, are constantly putting things off, and have become late for LIFE because of your blogging, you may be on an exhausting road for "bloggers burnout".  

Before you seriously decide to quit your blog, or conclude that blogging has just become too much of a chore, I really want you to read my story and the practical tips in my ebook.  Balance is hard to find and I would hope that while reading this you will discover new ways to maintain a successful blog as part of your successful life.

Since I figured a 39 page post wouldn't be appropriate for my blog, :-)  I wrote this eBook. It will be delivered right away to your inbox in a PDF file by Adobe.

I want to offer it to my readers for 35% off so just enter code: 


It will bring the price down from $2.99 to $1.95.

$1.95 (up to first 100 readers)
You'll need a Paypal account, but you can also pay by credit card through Paypal

Discount Code:

Here are a few quotes from those that have read my ebook: 

"I read your ebook from start to finish. Honestly, I think it's really wonderful.  There were so many things that I could have written myself that I totally related to.  It's organized and I like the links.  So many times ebooks and tutorials tell you to do something but they don't show you how to do it."   Ann from Sutton Place

You've captured so much of what blogging is about and how we ALL struggle with balance.  I've written about it on my blog numerous times and it can be very hard to do.  I think you covered it well!” Rhoda from Southern Hospitality

"I'm still in the "brainstorming" pre-blog stage, but I can't imagine getting into this world of blogging without reader your ebook first.  It is filled with so many practical solutions and tips"  Katie Namrevo

I hope everyone who has any of the emotions I talked about will read it and be refreshed.  

Spread the word and let’s keep blogging fun! Feel free to use the photo above to put it on your blog and link it to this page or pin it to Pinterest!

If you would like this eBook posted in your side bar and earn a commission off every sale, please click here for directions . 

~ Enjoy!  Selina


  1. Yay! I'm glad it all came together. I sometimes do a Sharing Sunday post so I will try to get one together today so I can highlight your eBook. Hope all is well with you ~ Ann

  2. I clicked on your affiliate links but they are broken. They go to a 404 error page. Just wanted you to know...I tried them twice.

  3. Thanks Ann for the heads up, should be working now. :-) Thank you also for your support!! It means a lot to me. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.


Thank you for your comments! I read them ALL and appreciate them. If you are asking a question be sure and leave your email, it will help me be able to contact you if you need a response. :-)

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