Decorating With Your Thrift Store Collection of Silver Platters

As all of you know, I am a HUGE fan of the thrift store.  I can not tell you how many hidden treasures I have found there.  Diamonds in the rough my friends :-)

My latest was this amazing copper pot.  I just think it fits my house well and has so much character.

Look at the TARNISHING!  Real copper.....turning turquoise - love it!

It was a whopping 10 bucks (actually, even though I kid about the price, usually I don't spend more than 3 dollars on a home decor item!)

On the cheaper side, this little pitcher, I couldn't pass up was only $2.00 :-)

All to say, one thing that is very fun to do when you start thrift store shopping is look for a collection.  Maybe it's globes, unique pottery plates or old vintage mirrors.  It's just so exciting when you find a item that can be added to your collection. (My collection would be anything that looks OLD and WEATHERED that looks like you might find in a home in Italy)

Lately, I have run across so many posts of people using silver-plated trays (which you can get for cheap at the thrift store!) as a collection for their home decor purposes.

How about creating a large wreath out of the collection!

Itsy bits and pieces

How about adding a collection over the sink or hood area in your kitchen?
Cadwell Flake

Or place them sporadically on your wall for fun!  I love the blue wall against the silver.  

via apartment therapy

In Altered Artifacts blog she used command strips tape and made a wall mount of the silver "stuff" she found just in her cupboards.  Such creativity!

This picture is just GORGEOUS!  I love that the trays were brought down almost to the ground. (OK and yes, I love the wooden beams above too) ;-)

Up close!

And yet another wall collection using silver just adds so much character to what could be a very boring wall.

All 3 photos I believe taken by Blayne Beecham

And lastly, putting up the trays outside would sure let them tarnish fast!  I think it's lovely. 

What do you guys think?

Ready to start searching your local thrift store for your next collection?  You can get more inspiration and ideas on this post I shared with you about decorating with collections.


  1. I love it!! Great ideas for all those silver trays I have. So great. di@Cottage-wishes

  2. Hi Selina, I love that wreath made of platters. What a clever idea! Thanks for this lovely post full of inspiration.


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