My Favorite Fall Posts ~ From Kid Crafts to Home Decor

Fall over here in Idaho can be one of the prettiest times of the year.  Bright orange, red and yellow start to fill up every street.  It's starting to get cold, but not freezing so it just leaves this crisp air feeling all around you.  Oh, and it's my birthday in the that makes it even better ;-)

My daughter playing in the leaves!

I have a bunch of easy fall craft and decor ideas on my blog that I have made with my own kids or put in my I thought I'd just compile them for you to look through and get some great ideas!

This FUN fall craft involves shaved crayons and wax paper.  Kids LOVE making them! They are also a great project to do in school. (Just have an adult run the iron)

Another fun fall craft is these yummy Acorn Hershey kiss treats!  You just use mini wafers and chocolates with a pretzel (or licorice) stem!  Wrap them up in a decorated bag and give them as gifts to teachers or friends!

And since it's the very end of peach season where I live, here is a great post on how you can use up all those peaches that are on sale!

And let's not forget some fun FALL DECORATING!

Or how about taking your old, weathered flower pots and spray painting them ORANGE to use as bright fall decor for your front porch!

Ah,  isn't he a cute doggie!

And lastly, we can't forget some decadent FALL treats!  

The link is to my post about my TOP 5 healthy pumpkin recipes.


1 comment:

  1. I love your orange urns and really love the photo with your beautiful dog. It looks like a magazine cover!! Lynda


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